Source code for base

'base' Module
This module implements general containers for typical optimization methods.

from __future__ import print_function
from NumericDiff import Simple

[docs]class OptimTemplate(object): r""" Provides a template for an iterative optimization method. :param obj: a real valued function (objective function) :param x0: an initial guess for a (local) minimum :param jac: a vector calculating the gradient of the objective function (optional, if not given will be numerically approximated) :param difftool: an object to calculate `Gradient` and `Hessian` of the objective (optional, default `NumericDiff.Simple`) """ def __init__(self, obj, **kwargs): from numpy import array self.MaxIteration = kwargs.get('max_iter', 100) self.ErrorTolerance = 1e-10 self.STEP = 0 self.Success = False self.Terminate = False self.iteration_message = None self.termination_message = None self.nfev = 0 self.objective = obj self.org_objective = obj self.solution = kwargs.pop('solution', Solution()) if 'init' in kwargs: self.x0 = array(kwargs['init']) elif 'x0' in kwargs: self.x0 = array(kwargs['x0']) else: self.x0 = None self.x = [self.x0] self.obj_vals = [self.objective(self.x0)] self.nfev += 1 self.org_obj_vals = [] # If the gradient is given self.grd = kwargs.pop('jac', None) # Else self.difftool = kwargs.pop('difftool', Simple()) if self.grd is None: # If a method to find gradient is given self.grd = self.difftool.Gradient(self.objective) # If the Hessian is given self.hes = kwargs.pop('hes', None) # Else if self.hes is None: # If a method to find Hessian is given self.hes = self.difftool.Hessian(self.objective) self.gradients = [] self.directions = [] self.InvHsnAprx = [] def iterate(self, **kwargs): pass def terminate(self, **kwargs): if self.STEP >= self.MaxIteration: self.Terminate = True self.termination_message = "Maximum iteration reached." self.Terminate = True return self.Terminate
[docs]class Base(object): r""" This is the base class that serves all the iterative optimization methods. An object derived from `Base` requires the following parameters: :param obj: *MANDATORY*- is a real valued function to be minimized :param x0: an initial guess of the optimal point :param method: the optimization class which implements `iterate` and `terminate` procedures (default: `OptimTemplate` that returns the value of the function at the initial point `x0`) :param Verbose: *Boolean*- If `True` prompts messages at every stage of the iteration as well as termination :param kwargs: the rest of parameters that will ba passed to `method` The object then passes all other given parameters to the `method` class for further processes. When a termination condition is satisfied, the object fills the results in the `solution` attribute which is an instance of `Solution` class. The given class `method` can pass arbitrary pieces of information to the solution by modifying its `MetaData` dictionary. When an object `optim` of type `Base` initiated, the optimization process can be invoked by calling the object itself like a function:: optim = Base(f, method=QuasiNewton, x0=init_point) optim() print(optim.solution) """ def __init__(self, obj, **kwargs): self.x0 = None self.objective = obj self.ineqs = kwargs.get('ineq', []) self.eqs = kwargs.get('eq', []) self.Verbose = True self.solution = Solution() _optimizer = kwargs.pop('method', OptimTemplate) self.optimizer = _optimizer(obj, solution=self.solution, **kwargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): from time import time start = time() # Iterate: while not self.optimizer.terminate(**kwargs): self.optimizer.iterate(**kwargs) self.optimizer.STEP += 1 # Prompt the iteration message: if self.Verbose: print("Iteration # %d" % (self.optimizer.STEP)) print("Current candidate: ", self.optimizer.x[-1]) print("Value of the objective: ", self.optimizer.org_obj_vals[-1]) if self.optimizer.iteration_message is not None: print(self.optimizer.iteration_message) elapsed = (time() - start) # Prompt termination message: if self.Verbose: if self.optimizer.termination_message is not None: print(self.optimizer.termination_message) self.solution = self.optimizer.solution self.solution.NumIteration = self.optimizer.STEP self.solution.NumFuncEval = self.optimizer.nfev self.solution.x = self.optimizer.x[-1] self.solution.objective = self.optimizer.org_obj_vals[-1] self.solution.success = self.optimizer.Success self.solution.message = self.optimizer.termination_message self.solution.RunTime = elapsed for itm in self.optimizer.MetaData: self.solution.__setattr__(itm, self.optimizer.MetaData[itm]) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key == 'MaxIteration': self.__dict__['optimizer'].MaxIteration = value else: self.__dict__[key] = value
[docs]class Solution(object): r""" A class to keep outcome and details of the optimization run. """ def __init__(self): self.__dict__['objective'] = None self.__dict__['NumIteration'] = 0 self.__dict__['NumFuncEval'] = 0 self.__dict__['x'] = None self.__dict__['success'] = False self.__dict__['message'] = "" self.__dict__['RunTime'] = 0 self.__dict__['attributes'] = ['objective', 'x', 'NumIteration', 'NumFuncEval', 'success', 'message', 'RunTime'] def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key not in self.__dict__['attributes']: self.__dict__['attributes'].append(key) self.__dict__[key] = value def __repr__(self): output_line_tpl = """\t{}: {}\n""" output = "" for key in self.__dict__['attributes']: output += output_line_tpl.format(key, self.__dict__[key]) return output