Source code for QuasiNewton

'QuasiNewton' Module
This module contains implementations of variations of unconstrained optimization methods known as Quasi-Newton methods.
A Quasi-Newton method is an iterative algorithm that approximates a local minima of the objective function.
Starting with a given initial point `x0`, each iteration consists of three major subprocedures:

    + Finding a descent direction (via `DescentDirection` class)
    + Finding the length of descent (using `LineSearch` class)
    + Check the termination condition (`Termination` class).

The right strategy to attempt an optimization problem must be pre-determined, otherwise, it uses a default set up to
solve the problem.

from __future__ import print_function
from base import OptimTemplate
from excpt import *

[docs]class LineSearch(object): r""" This class provides the step length at each iteration. The value of `ls_bt_method` at initiation determines whether to use `'BarzilaiBorwein'` method or a variation of `'Backtrack'` (default). It accepts a control parameter `tau` and `max_lngth` at initiation. `tau` must be a positive real less than 1. The variation of the backtrack is then determined by the value of `ls_bt_method` which can be selected among the following: + 'Armijo': indicates *Armijo* condition and the parameter `c1` can be modified at initiation as well. + 'Wolfe': indicates *Wolfe* condition and the parameters `c1` and `c2` can be modified at initiation. + 'StrongWolfe': indicates *StrongWolfe* condition and the parameters `c1` and `c2` can be modified at initiation. + 'Goldstein': indicates *Goldstein* condition and the parameter `c1` can be modified at initiation. """ def __init__(self, QNref, **kwargs): self.Ref = QNref self.method = kwargs.pop('ls_method', 'Backtrack') self.ls_bt_method = kwargs.pop('ls_bt_method', 'Armijo') self.Ref.MetaData['Step Size'] = self.method if self.method == 'Backtrack': self.Ref.MetaData['Backtrack Stop Criterion'] = self.ls_bt_method if self.method not in dir(self): raise Undeclared("The method `%s` is not implemented for `LineSearch`" % self.method) if self.ls_bt_method not in dir(self): raise Undeclared("The method `%s` is not implemented for `LineSearch`" % self.ls_bt_method) self.Arguments = kwargs
[docs] def BarzilaiBorwein(self): """ Implementation of *Barzilai-Borwein*. :return: step length """ from numpy import dot x2 = self.Ref.x[-1] gx2 = self.Ref.gradients[-1] x1 = self.Ref.x[-2] if len(self.Ref.x) > 1 else None gx1 = self.Ref.gradients[-2] if len(self.Ref.x) > 1 else None if x1 is None: fx = self.Ref.obj_vals[-1] t_x = None lngth = 1. # Check feasibility of candidate flag = True found_neg = False while flag: t_x = x2 - lngth * gx2 for f in self.Ref.ineqs: vl = f(t_x) if vl <= 0.: found_neg = True break else: found_neg = False if found_neg: lngth *= self.Ref.contract_factor flag = True else: flag = False ft_x = self.Ref.objective(t_x) self.Ref.nfev += 1 while ft_x > fx: lngth /= 2. t_x = x2 - lngth * gx2 ft_x = self.Ref.objective(t_x) self.Ref.nfev += 1 else: dif_x = x2 - x1 dif_g = gx2 - gx1 lngth = dot(dif_x, dif_g) / dot(dif_g, dif_g) return lngth
[docs] def Armijo(self, alpha, ft_x, tx): r""" Implementation of *Armijo*. :param alpha: current candidate for step length :param ft_x: value of the objective at the candidate point :param tx: the candidate point :return: `True` or `False` """ from numpy import dot fx = self.Ref.obj_vals[-1] gr = self.Ref.gradients[-1] p = self.Ref.directions[-1] # TODO: make sure it is in the (0, 1) range c1 = self.Arguments.pop('c1', .0001) return ft_x > fx + alpha * c1 * dot(p, gr)
[docs] def Wolfe(self, alpha, ft_x, tx): r""" Implementation of *Wolfe*. :param alpha: current candidate for step length :param ft_x: value of the objective at the candidate point :param tx: the candidate point :return: `True` or `False` """ from numpy import dot fx = self.Ref.obj_vals[-1] gr = self.Ref.gradients[-1] p = self.Ref.directions[-1] # TODO: make sure it is in the (0, 1) range c1 = self.Arguments.pop('c1', 1e-3) c2 = self.Arguments.pop('c2', .9) armijo = ft_x > fx + alpha * c1 * dot(p, gr) wolfe = (dot(p, self.Ref.grd(tx)) < c2 * dot(p, gr)) return armijo or wolfe
[docs] def StrongWolfe(self, alpha, ft_x, tx): r""" Implementation of *Strong Wolfe*. :param alpha: current candidate for step length :param ft_x: value of the objective at the candidate point :param tx: the candidate point :return: `True` or `False` """ from numpy import dot fx = self.Ref.obj_vals[-1] gr = self.Ref.gradients[-1] p = self.Ref.directions[-1] # TODO: make sure it is in the (0, 1) range c1 = self.Arguments.pop('c1', .1) c2 = self.Arguments.pop('c2', .9) armijo = ft_x > fx + alpha * c1 * dot(p, gr) swolfe = abs(dot(p, self.Ref.grd(tx)) < c2 * abs(dot(p, gr))) return armijo or swolfe
[docs] def Goldstein(self, alpha, ft_x, tx): r""" Implementation of *Goldstein*. :param alpha: current candidate for step length :param ft_x: value of the objective at the candidate point :param tx: the candidate point :return: `True` or `False` """ from numpy import dot fx = self.Ref.obj_vals[-1] gr = self.Ref.gradients[-1] p = self.Ref.directions[-1] # TODO: make sure it is in the (0, 1) range c1 = self.Arguments.pop('c1', 1. / 3.) g1 = fx + (1 - c1) * alpha * dot(gr, p) > ft_x g2 = ft_x > fx + c1 * alpha * dot(gr, p) return g1 or g2
def BinarySearch(self, alpha, ft_x, tx): fx = self.Ref.obj_vals[-1] bs = ft_x < fx return bs
[docs] def Backtrack(self): r""" A generic implementation of *Backtrack*. :return: step length """ p = self.Ref.directions[-1] # TODO: make sure it is in the (0, 1) range tau = self.Arguments.pop('tau', 3. / 4.) max_lngth = self.Arguments.pop('max_lngth', 1) alpha = max_lngth x = self.Ref.x[-1] t_x = None # Check feasibility of candidate flag = True found_neg = False while flag: t_x = x + alpha * p for f in self.Ref.ineqs: vl = f(t_x) if vl <= 0.: found_neg = True break else: found_neg = False if found_neg: alpha *= self.Ref.contract_factor flag = True else: flag = False ft_x = self.Ref.objective(t_x) self.Ref.nfev += 1 while self.__getattribute__(self.ls_bt_method)(alpha, ft_x, t_x): alpha *= tau t_x = x + alpha * p ft_x = self.Ref.objective(t_x) self.Ref.nfev += 1 return alpha
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__getattribute__(self.method)()
[docs]class DescentDirection(object): r""" Implements various descent direction methods for Quasi-Newton methods. The descent method can be determined at initiation using `dd_method` parameter. The following values are acceptable: + 'Gradient': (default) The steepest descent direction. + 'Newton': Newton Conjugate Gradient method. + 'FletcherReeves': Fletcher-Reeves method. + 'PolakRibiere': Polak-Ribiere method. + 'HestenesStiefel': Hestenes-Stiefel method. + 'DaiYuan': Dai-Yuan method + 'DFP': Davidon-Fletcher-Powell formula. + 'BFGS': Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm. + 'Broyden': Broyden's method. + 'SR1': Symmetric rank-one method. To calculate derivatives, the `QuasiNewton` class uses the object provided as the value of the `difftool` variable at initiation. """ def __init__(self, QNRef, **kwargs): self.Ref = QNRef self.method = kwargs.pop('dd_method', 'Gradient') if self.method not in dir(self): raise Undeclared("The method `%s` is not implemented for `DescentDirection`" % self.method) self.Ref.MetaData['Descent Direction'] = self.method
[docs] def Gradient(self): r""" :return: the gradient at current point """ direction = -self.Ref.gradients[-1] self.Ref.directions.append(direction) return direction
[docs] def Newton(self): r""" :return: the descent direction determined by *Newton Conjugate Gradient* method """ from numpy import dot x = self.Ref.x[-1] gr = self.Ref.gradients[-1] from numpy.linalg import inv try: Hk = inv(self.Ref.hes(x)) except: raise DirectionError("Singular matrix in the Newton search direction") self.Ref.InvHsnAprx.append(Hk) direction = - dot(Hk, gr) self.Ref.directions.append(direction) return direction
[docs] def FletcherReeves(self): r""" :return: the descent direction determined by *Fletcher-Reeves* method """ from numpy import dot gr2 = self.Ref.gradients[-1] gr1 = self.Ref.gradients[-2] if len(self.Ref.gradients) > 1 else None if gr1 is None: direction = -gr2 else: beta_fr = dot(gr2, gr2) / dot(gr1, gr1) direction = -gr2 + beta_fr * self.Ref.directions[-1] self.Ref.directions.append(direction) return direction
[docs] def PolakRibiere(self): r""" :return: the descent direction determined by *Polak-Ribiere* method """ from numpy import dot gr2 = self.Ref.gradients[-1] gr1 = self.Ref.gradients[-2] if len(self.Ref.gradients) > 1 else None if gr1 is None: direction = -gr2 else: beta_pr = dot(gr2, gr2 - gr1) / dot(gr1, gr1) direction = -gr2 + beta_pr * self.Ref.directions[-1] self.Ref.directions.append(direction) return direction
[docs] def HestenesStiefel(self): r""" :return: the descent direction determined by *Hestenes-Stiefel* method """ from numpy import dot gr2 = self.Ref.gradients[-1] gr1 = self.Ref.gradients[-2] if len(self.Ref.gradients) > 1 else None if gr1 is None: direction = -gr2 else: denum = dot(gr2 - gr1, self.Ref.directions[-1]) if denum == 0.: raise DirectionError( """ Last descent direction is orthogonal to the difference of gradients of last two steps. This causes a division by zero in `Hestenes-Stiefel`. One can avoid this by either slightly changing the initial point or choosing a different descent direction strategy.""") beta_hs = dot(gr2, gr2 - gr1) / denum direction = -gr2 + beta_hs * self.Ref.directions[-1] self.Ref.directions.append(direction) return direction
[docs] def DaiYuan(self): r""" :return: the descent direction determined by *Dai-Yuan* method """ from numpy import dot gr2 = self.Ref.gradients[-1] gr1 = self.Ref.gradients[-2] if len(self.Ref.gradients) > 1 else None if gr1 is None: direction = -gr2 else: denum = dot(gr2 - gr1, self.Ref.directions[-1]) if denum == 0.: raise DirectionError( """ Last descent direction is orthogonal to the difference of gradients of last two steps. This causes a division by zero in `Dai-Yuan`. One can avoid this by either slightly changing the initial point or choosing a different descent direction strategy.""") beta_dy = dot(gr2, gr2) / denum direction = -gr2 + beta_dy * self.Ref.directions[-1] self.Ref.directions.append(direction) return direction
[docs] def DFP(self): r""" :return: the descent direction determined by *Davidon-Fletcher-Powell* formula """ from numpy import dot x2 = self.Ref.x[-1] x1 = self.Ref.x[-2] if len(self.Ref.x) > 1 else None gr2 = self.Ref.gradients[-1] gr1 = self.Ref.gradients[-2] if len(self.Ref.gradients) > 1 else None if x1 is None: from numpy.linalg import inv try: Hk = inv(self.Ref.hes(x2)) except: raise DirectionError( """ The `DFP` method encountered a singular Hessian matrix and can not progress further. One can avoid this by either slightly changing the initial point or choosing a different descent direction strategy.""") self.Ref.InvHsnAprx.append(Hk) direction = - dot(Hk, gr2) else: sk = x2 - x1 n = sk.shape[0] yk = gr2 - gr1 rk = 1. / dot(yk, sk) try: Hk = self.Ref.InvHsnAprx[-1] except: raise DirectionError( """ The `DFP` method encountered a singular Hessian matrix and can not progress further. One can avoid this by either slightly changing the initial point or choosing a different descent direction strategy.""") Hk1 = Hk - dot(dot(Hk, dot(yk.reshape(n, 1), yk.reshape(1, n))), Hk) / dot(yk.reshape(1, n), dot(Hk, yk.reshape(n, 1))) + dot( sk.reshape(n, 1), sk.reshape(1, n)) * rk self.Ref.InvHsnAprx.append(Hk1) direction = - dot(Hk1, gr2) self.Ref.directions.append(direction) return direction
[docs] def BFGS(self): r""" :return: the descent direction determined by *Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno* algorithm """ from numpy import dot, identity x2 = self.Ref.x[-1] x1 = self.Ref.x[-2] if len(self.Ref.x) > 1 else None n = x2.shape[0] gr2 = self.Ref.gradients[-1] gr1 = self.Ref.gradients[-2] if len(self.Ref.gradients) > 1 else None if x1 is None: from numpy.linalg import inv Hk = identity(n) # Hk = inv(self.Ref.hes(x2)) self.Ref.InvHsnAprx.append(Hk) direction = - dot(Hk, gr2) else: sk = x2 - x1 yk = gr2 - gr1 rk = 1. / dot(yk, sk) Hk = self.Ref.InvHsnAprx[-1] I = identity(n) Hk1 = dot(dot(I - rk * dot(sk.reshape(n, 1), yk.reshape(1, n)), Hk), I - rk * dot(yk.reshape(n, 1), sk.reshape(1, n))) + rk * dot(sk.reshape(n, 1), sk.reshape(1, n)) self.Ref.InvHsnAprx.append(Hk1) direction = - dot(Hk1, gr2) self.Ref.directions.append(direction) return direction
[docs] def Broyden(self): r""" :return: the descent direction determined by *Broyden's* method """ from numpy import dot, identity x2 = self.Ref.x[-1] x1 = self.Ref.x[-2] if len(self.Ref.x) > 1 else None n = x2.shape[0] gr2 = self.Ref.gradients[-1] gr1 = self.Ref.gradients[-2] if len(self.Ref.gradients) > 1 else None if x1 is None: from numpy.linalg import inv Hk = identity(n) # Hk = inv(self.Ref.hes(x2)) self.Ref.InvHsnAprx.append(Hk) direction = - dot(Hk, gr2) else: sk = x2 - x1 yk = gr2 - gr1 Hk = self.Ref.InvHsnAprx[-1] Hk1 = Hk + dot((sk.reshape(n, 1) - dot(Hk, yk.reshape(n, 1))), dot(sk.reshape(1, n), Hk)) / dot(sk, dot(Hk, yk.reshape(n, 1))) self.Ref.InvHsnAprx.append(Hk1) direction = - dot(Hk1, gr2) self.Ref.directions.append(direction) return direction
[docs] def SR1(self): r""" :return: the descent direction determined by *Symmetric rank-one* method """ from numpy import dot, identity x2 = self.Ref.x[-1] x1 = self.Ref.x[-2] if len(self.Ref.x) > 1 else None n = x2.shape[0] gr2 = self.Ref.gradients[-1] gr1 = self.Ref.gradients[-2] if len(self.Ref.gradients) > 1 else None if x1 is None: from numpy.linalg import inv Hk = identity(n) # Hk = inv(self.Ref.hes(x2)) self.Ref.InvHsnAprx.append(Hk) direction = - dot(Hk, gr2) else: sk = x2 - x1 yk = gr2 - gr1 Hk = self.Ref.InvHsnAprx[-1] J = (sk.reshape(n, 1) - dot(Hk, yk.reshape(n, 1))) Hk1 = Hk + dot(J, J.transpose()) / dot(yk.reshape(1, n), J) self.Ref.InvHsnAprx.append(Hk1) direction = - dot(Hk1, gr2) self.Ref.directions.append(direction) return direction
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__getattribute__(self.method)()
[docs]class Termination(object): r""" Implements various termination criteria for Quasi-Newton loop. A particular termination method can be selected at initiation of the `Base` object by setting `t_method` with the name of the method as an string. The following termination criteria are implemented: + 'Cauchy': Checks of the changes in the values of the objective function are significant enough or not. + 'ZeroGradient': Checks if the gradient of the objective is close to zero or not. The value of the tolerated error is a property of `OptimTemplate` and hence can be modified as desired. """ def __init__(self, QNRef, **kwargs): self.Ref = QNRef self.method = kwargs.pop('t_method', 'Cauchy') if self.method not in dir(self): raise Undeclared("The method `%s` is not implemented for `Termination`" % self.method) self.Ref.MetaData['Termination Criterion'] = self.method
[docs] def Cauchy(self): r""" Checks if the values of the objective function form a Cauchy sequence or not. :return: `True` or `False` """ progress = abs(self.Ref.obj_vals[-1] - self.Ref.obj_vals[-2]) if progress <= self.Ref.ErrorTolerance: self.Ref.Success = True self.Ref.termination_message = "Progress in objective values less than error tolerance (Cauchy condition)" return True return False
[docs] def Cauchy_x(self): r""" Checks if the sequence of points form a Cauchy sequence or not. :return: `True` or `False` """ progress = max(abs(self.Ref.x[-1] - self.Ref.x[-2])) if progress <= self.Ref.ErrorTolerance: self.Ref.Success = True self.Ref.termination_message = "The progress in values of points is less than error tolerance (%f)" % progress return True return False
[docs] def ZeroGradient(self): r""" Checks if the gradient vector is small enough or not. :return: `True` or `False` """ from numpy import absolute gr_mx = max(absolute(self.Ref.gradients[-1])) if gr_mx <= self.Ref.ErrorTolerance: self.Ref.Success = True self.Ref.termination_message = "Reached a point whose Gradient is almost zero" return True return False
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.Ref.STEP == 0: return False elif self.Ref.STEP > self.Ref.MaxIteration: self.Ref.termination_message = "Maximum number of iterations reached" return True else: return self.__getattribute__(self.method)()
[docs]class Barrier(object): r""" Implementation of some barrier functions to be used for constrained optimization problems. Three barrier functions are implemented: + `Carrol`: is the standard barrier function defined by :math:`-\frac{1}{g_i(x)}` + `Logarithmic`: is the standard barrier function defined by :math:`-\log(g_i(x))` + `Expn`: is the standard barrier function defined by :math:`e^{-g_i(x)+\epsilon}` The only barrier function implemented for the equality is the typical function known as `Courant` function which is simply :math:`h_j^2(x)`. The default barrier function is `Carrol` and the default penalty factor is 10^{-5}. To specify the barrier function and penalty factor initiate the optimizer with keywords `br_func` that accepts one of the above three values and `penalty` that must be a positive real number. """ def __init__(self, QNRef, **kwargs): self.Ref = QNRef self.method = kwargs.pop('br_func', 'Carrol') if self.method not in ['Carrol', 'Logarithmic', 'Expn']: raise Undeclared("The barrier function '%s' is not implemented." % (self.method)) self.penalty = kwargs.pop('penalty', 1.e5) self.Ref.MetaData['Barrier Function'] = self.method self.Ref.MetaData['Penalty Factor'] = self.penalty def Carrol(self): return lambda t: (1. / (self.penalty * t)) if abs(t) > 0 else self.penalty def Logarithmic(self): from numpy import log return lambda t: -log(t) / self.penalty def Expn(self): from numpy import exp return lambda t: exp(-t + 1. / self.penalty) / self.penalty def Courant(self): return lambda t: self.penalty * t ** 2 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__getattribute__(self.method)()
[docs]class QuasiNewton(OptimTemplate): r""" :param obj: the objective function :param ineq: *(optional)* list of inequality constraints, default: `[]` :param eq: *(optional)* list of equality constraints, default: `[]` :param ls_method: *(optional)* the line search strategy, default: `Backtrack` :param ls_bt_method: *(optional)* the backtrack termination condition, default: `Armijo` :param dd_method: *(optional)* the descent direction method, default: `Gradient` :param t_method: *(optional)* termination condition, default: `Cauchy` :param br_func: *(optional)* barrier function family, default: `Carrol` :param penalty: *(optional)* penalty factor for the barrier function, default: `1.e5` :param max_iter: *(optional)* maximum number of iterations, default: `100` This class hosts a family of first and second order iterative methods to solve an unconstrained optimization problem. The general schema follows the following steps: + Given the point :math:`x`, find a suitable descent direction :math:`p`. + Find a suitable length :math:`\alpha` for the direction :math:`p` such that :math:`x+\alpha p` results in an appropriate decrease in values of the objective. + Update :math:`x` to :math:`x+\alpha p` and repeat the above steps until a termination condition is satisfied. The initial value for `x` can be set at initiation by passing `x0=init_point` to the `Base` instance. There are various methods to determine the descent direction `p` at each step. The `DescentDirection` class implements a variety of these methods. To choose one of these methods one should pass the method by its known name at initiation simply by setting `dd_method='method name'`. This parameter will be passed to `DescentDirection` class (see the documentation for `DescentDirection`). Also, to determine a suitable value for :math:`alpha` various options are available the class `LineSearch` is responsible for handling the computation for :math:`alpha`. The parameters `ls_method` and `ls_bt_method` can be set at initiation to determine the details for line search. The termination condition also can vary and the desired condition can be determined by setting `t_method` at initiation which will be passed to the `Termination` class. Each of these classes may accept other parameters that can be set at initiation. To find out about those parameter see the corresponding documentation. """ def __init__(self, obj, **kwargs): from types import FunctionType, LambdaType from collections import OrderedDict # check `obj` to be a function assert type(obj) in [FunctionType, LambdaType], "`obj` must be a function (the objective function)" super(QuasiNewton, self).__init__(obj, **kwargs) self.MetaData = OrderedDict([('Family', "Quasi-Newton method")]) # TBM self.LineSearch = LineSearch(self, **kwargs) self.DescentDirection = DescentDirection(self, **kwargs) self.Termination = Termination(self, **kwargs) self.custom_step_size = kwargs.pop('step_size', None) self.ineqs = kwargs.get('ineq', []) self.eqs = kwargs.get('eq', []) self.Barrier = Barrier(self, **kwargs) for f in self.ineqs: assert type(f) in [FunctionType, LambdaType], """Inequality constraints must be functions whose common non-negativity region is the feasibility region of the problem""" for f in self.eqs: assert type(f) in [FunctionType, LambdaType], """Equality constraints must be functions whose common zero set is the feasibility region of the problem""" ineq_br = self.Barrier() eq_br = self.Barrier.Courant() self.eq_barrier = lambda x: 0. if self.eqs != []: self.eq_barrier = lambda x: sum([eq_br(f_(x)) for f_ in self.eqs]) t_obj = lambda x: obj(x) + sum([ineq_br(fn(x)) for fn in self.ineqs]) + sum([eq_br(f_(x)) for f_ in self.eqs]) self.objective = t_obj if self.eqs != [] or self.ineqs != []: self.grd = self.difftool.Gradient(self.objective) self.hes = self.difftool.Hessian(self.objective) self.obj_vals[0] = self.objective(self.x0) self.nfev += 1 self.org_obj_vals.append(self.org_objective(self.x0)) self.contract_factor = 0.9999
[docs] def iterate(self): """ This method updates the `iterate` method of the `OptimTemplate` by customizing the descent direction method as well as finding the descent step length. These method can be determined by the user. :return: None """ x = self.x[-1] self.gradients.append(self.grd(x)) ddirection = self.DescentDirection() step_size = self.LineSearch() # Check feasibility of candidate flag = True found_neg = False n_x = None while flag: n_x = x + step_size * ddirection for f in self.ineqs: vl = f(n_x) if vl <= 0.: found_neg = True break else: found_neg = False if found_neg: step_size *= self.contract_factor flag = True else: flag = False self.x.append(n_x) self.obj_vals.append(self.objective(n_x)) self.nfev += 1 self.org_obj_vals.append(self.org_objective(n_x))
[docs] def terminate(self): """ This method updates the `terminate` method of the `OptimTemplate` which is given by user. :return: `True` or `False` """ return self.Termination()